Aspen Snowmass官方,2025滑雪季宠粉大抽奖,第二期火热开启!
Aspen Snowmass官方,2025滑雪季宠粉大抽奖,第二期火热开启!
阿斯本雪堆山滑雪村(Aspen Snowmass)在2025年寒假及春节期间开展的宠粉大抽奖活动,得到了大家的热烈欢迎和积极响应!为回馈广大雪友的支持与厚爱,官方特别推出"第二期 2025滑雪季宠粉大抽奖"活动!持阿斯本雪票或Ikon Pass,即日起至4月到阿斯本滑雪的雪友,人人都可以参与!三重大奖福利满满,惊喜连连!


  • 一等奖(1名)
    价值395美元的成人滑雪精品小团课(Max 5 Group Lesson) 价值468美元的2日雪票(Aspen Lift Ticket用户升级福利)
  • 二等奖(1名)
  • 三等奖(5名)

Prize Details

  • Grand Prize (1 Winner)
    One Max 5 Adult Group Lesson (valued at $395) or One 2-day lift ticket (valued at $468, for non-Ikon passes)
  • Second Prize (1 Winner)
    One $100 gift card
  • Third Prize (5 Winners)
    Aspen themed gifts (coffee mugs, beanies/ ski knitted hats, sunglasses etc.)


  • 2月19日至3月18日
  • 3月19日开奖

Event Period

  • February 19 to March 18
  • Winners announced on March 19


  • 已购雪票和Ikon Pass用户专属福利
  • 抵达时间为即日起至4月的雪友


  • Open to skiers with Aspen lift ticket and Ikon Pass
  • Must have an arrival date between now and April
Please fill in the required details and submit


  1. 活动参与者需提供雪票订单信息或Ikon Pass照片。
  2. 一等奖权益可延长至2025/26雪季。
  3. 成人滑雪精品小团课仅提供英语教学服务。
  4. 成人滑雪精品小团课不可兑换现金或转让,也不可更换为其他滑雪课程。
  5. 礼品卡将在Aspen Snowmass任一售票处领取,不可兑换现金,仅适用于阿斯本度假村餐饮和零售店。
  6. Aspen精美周边将以邮寄的方式发出。
* 本活动最终解释权归Aspen Snowmass公司所有

Important Notes

  1. Participants must provide proof of lift ticket purchased or Ikon Pass to qualify.
  2. Grand Prize benefits can be extended to the 2025/26 ski season.
  3. Max 5 Adult Group Lesson is in English only.
  4. The Max 5 Adult Group Lesson have no cash value, is non-transferable and cannot be substituted with other lessons.
  5. Gift card have no cash value, is non-transferable and can be collected at any Aspen Snowmass ticket office, it may be used at on-mountain F&B locations, as well as our retail locations.
  6. Aspen themed gifts will be shipped directly to winners.
* Aspen Snowmass reserves the right of final explanation for this event.