Aspen Snowmass 官方,Lift Ticket雪票购买者专享滑雪礼品卡领取表
官方Lift Ticket雪票购买者专享滑雪礼品卡领取表
为感谢亚洲地区华语市场的支持,阿斯本雪堆山滑雪村(Aspen Snowmass)特别推出2025滑雪季官方宠粉礼品卡活动!目前居住在美国,并持有效中国护照的滑雪爱好者也可参加此活动。马上填写信息,解锁属于您的Aspen宠粉专属礼遇!


  • 1日-3日雪票:每日获赠礼品卡20美元,2日获赠40美元,3日获赠60美元
  • 4日及以上雪票:每日获赠礼品卡30美元,4日获赠120美元,按天数累加
Ikon Pass 将不参与此次礼品卡活动

Gift Card Values

  • 1-3 day lift ticket: you will receive a $20/day in-resort gift card. i.e. 3-day = $60
  • 4 day+ lift ticket: you will receive $30/day in-resort gift card. i.e. 4-day = $120
Gift cards may be used at on-mountain F&B locations, as well as our retail locations. Valid locations are listed on the back of card.
Ikon Pass will not participate in this gift card promotion


  1. 请在滑雪首日前7天申请礼品卡。
  2. 请提供以下信息以便我们进行核实:
    • 订单详情:雪票订单号
    • 护照资料页照片:护照需显示姓名、出生日期及国家,可隐藏护照号码
  3. 核实无误后,我们将在您到达日期前48小时内,通过电子邮件发送礼品卡确认函。您可以凭确认邮件至Aspen Snowmass的任一售票处领取礼品卡。

How to Get the Gift Card

  1. Please apply 7-days prior to your first ski day.
  2. Please provide with the following information:
    • Lift ticket details for verification (confirmation number)
    • Image of passport – number may be removed/hidden, but must include date of birth and name, as well as country.
  3. Once information has been verified, the applicable gift card confirmation will be emailed to you, no sooner than 48-hours prior to arrival. You may present gift card confirmation at any ticket office to collect gift card.


  1. 请在滑雪首日前7天申请礼品卡。
  2. 礼品卡仅适用于已支付的雪票。
  3. Ikon Pass, Permier Pass, 亲友优惠卷、Ikon亲友票、Mountain Collective Pass和团队票均不符合领取条件。
  4. 赠票用户及7岁以下免费滑雪的儿童不参与礼品卡领取活动。
  5. 每位雪友都需提供有效护照,护照上姓名及出生日期须与雪票订单信息一致,且护照需在有效期内。
  6. 礼品卡不可兑换现金,也不可退款或找零。
  7. 如未在抵达日期后48小时内及时领取礼品卡,该礼遇将自动失效。雪友可在未来行程中再次申请礼品卡。
  8. 活动为限时优惠,礼品卡送完即止。
* 本活动最终解释权归Aspen Snowmass所有

Terms and Conditions

  1. Please apply 7-days prior to your first ski day.
  2. Only paid lift tickets will be provided with gift cards.
  3. Ikon Pass, Premier Passes, Friends & Family vouchers, Ikon Friends & Family Tickets, Mountain Collective Pass and group tickets are not eligible.
  4. Gift cards are not available for complimentary tickets or for kids skiing free (under 7 years of age).
  5. Passports must be provided for each guest in order if multiple guests are in one transaction. Last name and DOB must match order information. Passport must be valid and not expired.
  6. Cards have no cash value, no refunds, or change will be provided.
  7. If the gift card is not picked up within 48 hours of arrival date, the order will be cancelled. You are welcome to reapply for a future trip.
  8. Promotion is for a limited time as funds last.
* Aspen Snowmass reserves the right of final explanation for this event.